Happy Birthday, Thorium

Alex Anderson 🚀Alex Anderson 🚀, June 27, 2024
Happy Birthday, Thorium

Hi everyone! Happy Thorium Thursday!

Last week was Thorium's 8th birthday! The very first commit for Thorium was made on June 21, 2016. That's when I first decided that I wanted to make a new set of simulator controls, primarily for the Voyager simulator at Renaissance Academy, but eventually for any space centers that wanted to use it.

I developed it in secret for about a year, and announced it publicly in June of 2017. So I guess Thorium has two June birthdays.

And, while Thorium Nova wasn't officially announced until July of 2020, it's first commit was also in June.

All that to say, Happy Birthday, Thorium. And thank you, dear reader, for joining the celebration by being here.